Sorry I haven't been around for a couple days. The new job has been cutting into my blogging time. Darn that need for a paycheck! Apparently I'm doing good at work because they've got me as the only driver next Tuesday night (I think it's Tuesday). Plus it will be just me and a manager for the last few hours of the night. I really hope I don't screw anything up! The driving thing I've got down cuz' I did it before and it wasn't that hard to figure out everything again. The rest of it is all new to me though and there's A LOT to remember. Oh well, I'll just smile and pretend like I know what I'm doing. : )
Okay first things first. That's a funny thing to say isn't it? Of course first things are first. What was I saying? Oh yes, my good blogging friend, Eve, has given me an award!
It's called the "BFF Award", in which BFF stands for Blogging Friends Forever. The rules are to give this award to 3-7 people who you would like to be blogging friends forever with and you need to give a little info on why the award was given to each person. Of course you will want to link to their blog so other people can see their pages and the evidence of their coolness. : ) To see all the wonderful things Eve said about me and her other friends, go here.
I'd like to bestow this award on:
Eve @ For The Love of Goth
This is one cool chick. We've been friends for a few months now on the blogs and via email. She was the first online person that I communicated with through postal mail. It was so exciting to get something in the mail from her and to see the handwriting of the person you "talk" to online all the time. She's a very thoughtful and sweet gal and I know we'd have a blast talking about goth stuff if we ever hung out in real life. She's in my state so you never know! If you want to check out a artsy gothy girl, check out her page(s).
Diane @ Good Mourning, Glory!
Gosh Diane, how long have we been talking? I think I first came across your blog through Eve's. When I saw all your funerary stuff, I suspected we'd get along just fine. :) My suspicions were confirmed when I started following your blog(s) and saw all of your different facets. We definitely have a lot of shared interests. You have such a kind and beautiful soul. I'm sure we'll cross paths in real life someday cuz' you're in my state too! Seriously, what are the odds that both you and Eve live in the same state I do!
Chris @ Frog on the Pumpkin
While I don't have the same friendship with Chris that I do with Eve and Diane, she is someone that I really think kicks arse. She has a great writing style and is always sharing new and interesting things about our love of Halloween related things year-round. She's someone who I would love to meet someday and I think we'd have a wonderful time sipping our drinks and talking about spooky topics or visiting haunts. :)
8 hours ago
yay! congrats and thank you!
i would totally LOVE to meet up with you one day! you are completely awesome and so happy that we crossed one another's paths. it was destiny!
Awww, thanks! (I read your lovely post at work-can't comment there-and was blushing about what you wrote!) You're too sweet-just like the wallet. ;} (Oh & everything right back at ya btw!)
Yes, it's quite cool that the 3 of us 'met' up on Blogger. Who knew!?? Blogging Convention in Michigan perhaps?!! That'd be fun. ^_^
Take care~
Diane - It totally was destiny. I mean, look at the L5P thing!
Eve - Michigan bloggers unite! ha ha
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