My cousin is starting to get into crafting and participated in her first craft show today. I went over there to check it out and there was a pretty good turnout. It was really windy so that caused a lot of issues for the crafters. As I was walking around, I stopped at a booth where their tent poles had bent in the wind and the whole thing came down. My cousin had made jewelry, cards, and a couple scarves and she shared a booth with her sister-in-law who had made handbags. It was hard to keep everything pinned down to the table!
I haven't been to a craft show in awhile but not much has changed. There are still a lot of crocheted washcloths and towels, jewelry, and wood crafts. I did see some unique things though. One of them was a tree made out of wire. The lady incorporated wire into necklaces, rings, and brooches too. It was very ornate looking. Sorry I didn't get any pics. Didn't even think to bring my camera.
I am trying to be careful with my money so I didn't buy everything I wanted to. One lady had painted rocks and there was one that had a night scene with a castle. Very cool but for $6, I had to pass. I ended up buying handmade soap that smells like blackberries, a card that my cousin made and a black rope necklace that has a gargoyle holding a marble. My cousin said I should name him so he's Azazel Bob. ha ha
I'm going to be doing a craft show with my cousin either next month or in September. It all depends on when I can get everything together. I've never done a show before and I'm pretty excited. After walking around today, I figured out what wasn't selling, what there was too much of, etc. Plus I don't want to compete with what my cousin makes. So I'm going to be doing mosaic pots. Some will have a flower arrangement, some won't. I'm also going to make cloth baskets. I figured I'll do a couple larger ones and then a bunch of small ones and put little trinkets and/or HBA items in them. I have a small basket in my bathroom for my face masks, cleansers, etc and it works great. I'm also going to do a few small cross-stitch items. Given everything I want to do, I probably won't be ready for the show next month. Who knows though?
Here are some more Lolcats for your enjoyment.
8 hours ago
that craft show sounds super awesome! yeah, you may not have all that you want to have done by next month, but who knows? sell what you can.
And, lol cats, I could look at them allll day... :D
i wish i could ever get enough together to get a booth at an art fair! it sounds like a good idea to get with someone else and share a booth.
your baskets and pots sound cool! and i admire anyone who can cross stitch! there's no way i could get through one - a.d.d.!
the kitty pics are HILARIOUS! i have some pics of my cat (trying to take good pics) but she wasn't cooperating, and some look kinda like that tango cat. she's all jumped in the air, twisted-like. lol
omg i should post one and do like a caption contest or something!
You had me at LOLcasts :)
If you create stuff you should also have an ESTY shop. I buy way too much there. I much rather support artists than larger retailers.
I can hardly wait to see what you have create!!
BTW- thanks for the gift! :) Mentioned it on my blog....of course, it made my day!!!
Sounds like a busy month ahead! Good luck with the show :)
Sounds like fun there. The wire tree (and other things she makes with wire) sounds cool. Darn you for not bringing your camera! ;)
That's great that you're going to be part of a crafty thing. Best of luck to you. I'd be curious to see what you may be selling there-you should put up a few in-the-making items here. Just a suggestion.
Congrats on having 20 followers btw. Wooo hooo, isn't it great!?? I never thought I'd have as many followers on my Goth Blog as I do on my L-G, but it's getting pretty close.
Enjoy your day/night & chat at ya later!~
Good luck with the show! :)
TwasTheBrillig - I have three more Lolcat pics in my arsenal to post sometime soon.
Diane - You really don't need a whole lot to have a booth at a craft show. My cousin had made a few pairs of earrings, six necklaces, two scarves, six crocheted washcloths and five cards. She wanted to bring a bit of everything to see what people were interested in. I did see someone that did bottlecaps kind of like yours but she didn't paint the back and she made them into magnets. I bet you could whip out a bunch of those for a show? BTW, you should totally do some Lolcats of your kitty. :)
Frog Queen - I have been thinking of doing an Etsy shop. Maybe after I start making the pots/baskets/etc, I'll see what sells and then go from there. I will definitely be posting pics on here once I get some things together. Glad you got the gift! I'll have to scoot on over to your blog next.
Halloween - Thanks!
Eve - I really should have brought my camera. It takes great outdoor pics. I'll definitely be posting pics of my creations once I start producing them. :)
Yay! I have 20 followers! I'll have to come up with a giveaway.
Ghoul Friday - Thanks!
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